Outdoor Tribe for adults

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Learning to laugh from the inside

Learning to laugh from the inside

Laughter benefits the immune system It's a fact that children giggle and laugh without hesitation, while adults don't enough. There seems to be such a lack of laughter around these days that workshops abound to teach adults how to do it. It's well documented that...

Nene Valley Festival events 2016

Nene Valley Festival events 2016

Friday 23rd September Heritage Trail Visitors demonstrated great interest in the short talk by John Vaughan on the wood's history, dating back to 1328 when the area was first granted permission by the King to be made into a deer park. As John come to the end of his...

Invest in your wellbeing

Invest in your wellbeing

Defining wellbeing For my generation wellbeing was perhaps more concerned with the physical aspects of life; you were either a well being or you weren't. Defining wellbeing, for those of you who may not know, is "the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy". So,...

Wood projects making a bench

Wood projects making a bench

Making a woodland bench from a standing tree Making something out of the trees that are felled in the wood, apart from firewood, has been very rewarding. I thought a post on the process would help people appreciate the steps involved in making a bench, starting with...

Bird and butterfly visitors summer 2016

Bird and butterfly visitors summer 2016

BB days in East Northants Visitors love the secret woodland in East Northants, enjoying a wild wood environment that's home to over 40 species of birds and more than 20 species of butterflies. If you'd like to join us on a  BB  (Bird and Butterfly) experience in July...

Bluebell visits in East Northants woodland

Bluebell visits in East Northants woodland

Family visits to Bluebell woods Despite the almost unseasonable cold weather we've experienced this month, we've not been short of visitors to Oxlip Wood. Bluebell visits in East Northants are not uncommon for families to get involved with at this time of the year,...

Woodlands for wellbeing

Woodlands for wellbeing

A walk in the woods could be just what the Doctor ordered Strange as it might seem, sometimes it's easier to get in the car and drive to the swimming pool or the gym to take exercise than actually get around to carrying out a plan to go and walk in a wood, or a...

Take a walk on the wild side

Take a walk on the wild side

Walking in woodland can help to quieten the mind Finding time for 'Me time', getting away from it all, is easier said than done given the pace of life many of us seem to lead these days. I don't know about you, but I find it very difficult to stop my mind from...

Woodland working grows well-being

Woodland working grows well-being

Woodland working parties We've had between 6 and 8 people, on each of the Sundays through the month of November attending our first block of woodland working parties at Oxlip Wood in East Northants.  They proved so popular that we carried on running them until the end...

Outdoor Gym in East Northants

Outdoor Gym in East Northants

Woodland Working Parties There's been some interesting gatherings of willing volunteers on Sundays during this November and December up at Oxlip Wood. There's been a great bunch of people who've come along having liked the idea of volunteering to benefit the woodland...